We pick up here from where the first issue ended and we get to see the particular set of skills Randall Crane has for sure. Where the first issue was setting the scene and let us meet the characters, this was wall to wall action. From the first page to the last it was guns, fighting, explosions from Randall. Along the way we meet a new cast of characters and to say they are not happy to see our main character back in Russia is an understatement. The reason he is being so eagerly hunted is yet to be fully revealed but it will be interesting to see what Professor Crane has been up to in his past that would cause so many people to want him dead.
What a great follow up, I really enjoyed the first issue and this second one was in my opinion even better. We got right into the thick of it and learnt a bit more about Crane and how much of a badass he was (is). I liked the assembling of his rogues gallery with each group or individual relishing the fact that they get the chance to settle old scores. This felt fast paced and action packed while at the same time keeping that espionage edge to it. It had that high energy action blockbuster feel to it straight out of Hollywood. As ever the art was spot on as well, both Deodato's artwork and Loughridge doing the colouring duties, this pairing always brings to life the action we are seeing on the page.
I will keep this brief and spoiler free, but this issue definitely pushed the story forward and gave us even more to look forward to as the series continues. The score is a slight increase on the last issue coming in at 8.5 out of 10, I am really looking forward to seeing what the next issue brings us.