Writer: Ed Brisson
Artist: C.P. Smith
Letterer: Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou
After the action packed previous issues and the shocks that came at the end of issue 2 we have a slower paced more personally driven issue as we learn more about our two main characters, with their backstories being fleshed out a bit more.
Thoughts…This series continues to be an engaging and thrilling read. This issue has a slightly different feel to the previous issues as it slows things down and we get some more details about our cast of characters especially Wyatt. The issue seems to be a bridge between the first half of the series and the final 2 issues, as not only do we get a look backwards but we also get a few plot points that will move the story forward and lead us through to the series conclusion in issue 5.
It is harder to talk about the issues while still in the preview stage as I do not want to give anything away. The art continues to be interesting and I am still really liking the way the lettering is being done. The issue ends is again a cliff hanger and I can not guess where we are going to go from here, all I know is it will be one hell of a ride.
Another great issue from one of the series of the year, I would give this issue 8 out of 10 and really can not wait to read the next issue to see where its all leading then on to the final issue which I am convinced will be mind blowing.