In store 26th April 2023
Writer: Daniel Kraus
Artist: Laci
Colours: Marko Lesko
Letterer: Sal Cipriano
From the reveals throughout the series and the title itself I am sure people have an idea the ending this series is heading towards but beware there is more here than meets the eye. What Daniel Kraus does here is lead us down a story path dropping hints along the way but while we are so focused on what is in front of us we miss what's coming up ahead. From the title and the first issue I felt I knew how this series would end and I was about a third right. Not only once but twice I was taken by surprise in this last issue, the writing was so well done that it had us looking for answers while they were hiding in plain sight.
This last issue delivers an epic wrap up to the series. It is full on from the start and does not let up until the dust settles. The preview pages below show us a bit of the danger that surrounds our main characters, not only Nessa but Dirk as well. Trust me when I say you will gasp when you see how the events unfold in the pages that follow. I wish I could say more but I don't want to spoil the surprises.
The artwork is superb throughout the issue, from that gory first page all the way to Nessa full reveal. This series has had some great moments with the creature designs and this issue is no exception.
There are some standout moments in this issue that fans of the series will really enjoy. I think that they will be satisfied with the way it concludes and will enjoy the twists along the way.